
Updated on March 24, 2024


When? Every Monday, 19:30 Watch - 21:30 o'clock, next appointment on Mon. 29.04., not on Monday 20.05.
Please be there by 7:30 p.m. so that we can make good use of the time. Unfortunately, we always have to leave the premises promptly at 9:45 p.m.

Where? Kurt-Schumacher-Grundschule, Puttkamerstr. 19, 10969 Berlin

For guests 5€. Free for members.

In our group, beginners and advanced players play at a recreational level. Previous knowledge (basic techniques and basic rules) is desired but not absolutely necessary. Our trainer will teach you everything you need. After a short warm-up, we train on basic techniques and tactics and then move on to free play.

We play naked. Knee pads, shoes and a sports bra are of course no problem. If you have your period, you can of course leave something on or deal with it in your own way, however you feel safe and comfortable.

During the winter season we occasionally organize intensive training sessions on Sundays in the hall. In the summer we play beach volleyball at a friendly nudist club and go out of town for training weekends at the lake.

Contact: volleyball@adolf-koch.de (Maik)